April 29, 2017 Teacher Workshop at Santa Fe Indian School

April 29 Teacher Workshop

The Native Math Circles Project, a broader umbrella project of the Navajo Nation Math Circles project is pleased to collaborate with the Santa Fe Indian School and the Math Circles Collaborative of New Mexico to present:

James Taylor, Beth Cammarata, Tatiana Shubin, and Bob Klein will lead a teacher workshop at Santa Fe Indian School on Saturday, April 29, 2017. The workshop is open to teachers of all grades and all schools, tribes, backgrounds though teachers and administrators from CENAC schools are encouraged especially to apply.

The workshop will be held at the MST Lecture Hall on the Santa Fe Indian School Campus, 1501 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505.

If you are interested in attending please complete the registration (link to Google Forms).


8:00-8:45 Registration & Coffee

8:45-9:00 Welcome & Introductions

9:00-10:30 Session 1 – Bob Klein – Session description coming.

10:30-10:45 Recess

10:45-12:15 Session 2 Tatiana Shubin – Parity & Invariants – Description coming.

12:15-1:00 Lunch and small-group discussions

1:00-3:00 A Mathematical Festival

3:00-4:00 Final Discussion: Reflections and Next-steps


Detailed Session Descriptions: (Coming)

A Mathematical Festival: A Math Festival is a way to introduce students to the beauty, richness, and playfulness of mathematics. We will give teachers an opportunity to do many of the Festival activities exactly as the students experience them—through investigation in small groups. These experiences will both help teachers truly understand Math Festivals, and (we hope!) inspire them to run a festival in their school or in their local communities. These activities are fun and, in common with math circle activities in general, are low threshold/high ceiling—accessible to elementary school students at their most basic levels.The Julia Robinson Math Festival foundation is one way to support such festivals and details about their approach and support can be found at http://jrmf.org/

For more information about our supporters go to: