July 15 Teacher Workshop
Dave Auckly, Tatiana Shubin, Amanda Serenevy, Matt Roscoe and Amanda Cangelosi led a one-day teacher workshop at the Greyhills school in Tuba City.
The schedule for this one-day workshop is below. Session information will be posted soon.
This one-day workshop concluded the AIMC Summer Immersion Workshop.
8:00 – 8:45 Breakfast
8:45 – 9:30 Welcome and Introduction
9:30 – 10:45 Session 1A David Auckly: Triangle Festival
Session 1B Matt Roscoe: Prime Landscape
Session 1C Tatina Shubin: Nuts and bolts of running a Math Teachers’ Circle (MTC).
11:00 – 12:15 Session 2A Amanda Cangelosi: Instant Insanity
Session 2B Matt Roscoe: Quilt Block Symmetry
12:15 – 1:00 lunch and group discussion
1:00 – 2:15 Session 3A Amanda Serenevey: TBA
Session 3B Tatiana Shubin: Exploding Dots
2:15 – 3:30 Discussion
3:30 – 4:00 Closing
Detailed Session Descriptions:
Triangle Festival
There are many cool things one can do with triangles, ranging from mathematically-inspired artistic constructions,
to surprising relations between paths and sequences of letters with symmetry and rigid motion. We will discuss some of these demonstrating tasks suitable for students in all grades K – 12.
Prime Landscape
Prime numbers have long been a feature of the mathematics of elementary school, usually in 4th grade. Unfortunately, the important role that prime numbers play in multiplicative settings is rarely accentuated after they have been introduced. We will use primes to construct the “multiplicative landscape” of the whole numbers and then investigate questions that this “landscape” will help us answer.
Instant Insanity
Consider a simple looking puzzle that later seems insanely hard to solve. This session will demonstrate how a bit of mathematics can restore sanity to the situation.
Quilt Block Symmetry
One set of cultural artifacts that many people are familiar with are quilts. They are prized for their patterned beauty. They are appreciated for their uniqueness. And, they are valued in proportion to their labor-intensive production. Many, though, are surprised to find out that quilts hold mathematical beauty in the structure of the patterns that are used to generate them. We will investigate and discover the mathematics of quilt blocks through inquiry.