This workshop took place in person on the Page Campus of Coconino County Community College.
Professional development credit certificates, school supplies, and $75 stipends were offered for this workshop.
In addition, we provided breakfast and lunch.
Math Sessions are listed below.
If you have questions reach out to us at or 785 473 0273 (call or text).
This workshop highlighted some of the activities that we ran for the 2023 Summer Math Camp. The activities that we ran at the teacher workshop are listed at the end of this webpage.
Materials for all of our camp sessions may be found on the
Summer 2023 activities page.
You can view more information about our 2023 Summer Math Camp
Since the workshop took place in Page, AZ all times listed are Mountain Standard Time.
8:00 – 8:45 Breakfast
8:45 – 9:00 Welcome/introductions
10:00 – 10:45 Cube Slicing (Dani Alvarez-Gavela)
10:45 – 11:30 Plumbing and Geometry (Matthias Kawski)
11:30 – 11:45 Math Camp Video
11:45 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 1:15 Math Blocks (Dave Auckly)
1:15 – 2:00 Instant Insanity (Kim Klinger-Logan)
2:00 – 2:30 Supply and certificate distribution

Cube Slicing: What shapes can you find when you slice a cube? This question leads to a number of interesting geometry problems that may be explored in an interesting way. It may be used with a range of students from younger students to practice naming shapes and counting sides, or used with older students learning names of types of triangles and geometric proofs.
Plumbing and Geometry: Build shapes from PVC pipe. Can you tell what a hole is? Can you see how much the shape “curves”? Is there a relation between the number of special pieces used, the number of holes, and the amount it curves? We will investigate these questions.
Math Blocks: If you took all of the answers in the 1 + 1 up to 10 + 10 addition table and added them what would you get? What would you get if you added all of the answers in the 1 x 1 up to 12 x 12 multiplication table? We will use blocks to help investigate these questions.
Instant Insanity: This is an old puzzle that challenges people to put four cubes together in a special way. This session will describe a mathematical tool that makes it much easier to solve.