
We’ll try to provide teachers and students with resources that they can use. This page is mostly aimed at teachers, but students may enjoy reading some of the mathematical materials that are listed here.

One organization that may be of interest to readers of this site is Indigenous Mathematicians.
Some may be interested in Chuck Funkhauser’s page of Native American-Based Mathematics Materials/

A nice collection of mathematical tidbits is at
Math Etudes

Here are a few sites recommended by Dan Finkle from Math4Love:

You should also check out

The Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival website has many good materials:
The first generation Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival activities are still a very nice resource.

A separate page listing other programs for students is available here. Many external organizations reach out to us asking us to help spread the word about their programs. Many of these are good programs, but we often don’t know anything about the programs, so cannot vouch for the quality. We post these on the external program webpage.

Check out our Origami page

Special Internet Resources for Spring 2020

We are collecting some internet resources. Links may be found at:
Our Spring 2020 Resources page

Information about math wrangles may be found on Our math wrangle page.

Below we include a teacher resources hand-out that lists some of the many sources for interesting math activities, as well as a spreadsheet with many of the activities that we use in our program and other useful links. Use “ctrl F” to find activities in the following list.

Our activity list:

Teacher Resources

NASA’s astrobiology collaboration with Navajo Nation:

To download the following PDF click Math-Enrichment-Resources. The downloaded PDF has clickable links. The links in the preview window are not live.

Here are some notes from David Patrick:

Useful links: